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Rapid Service Turn-up Despite COVID-19

A recent urgent client request to add 100Gbps to their existing 200Gbps capacity on the west coast of Africa, allowed WIOCC to demonstrate its ongoing rapid delivery capability despite the restrictions imposed by Covid-19. The urgency and scale of the demand were driven by the client’s need to anticipate a very significant rise in expected service usage during lockdown. Within seven days we had turned up the additional capacity, resulting in a very happy WIOCC client and massively expanded capabilities for their end-user base in Africa.

Rob Irvin, WIOCC Director – International Business Development explained: “Delivering a permanent 100G international circuit to a seven-day lead time within the African market is absolutely exceptional. We are only able to achieve this kind of turn-around time because we are one of the few players investing at hyperscale and we are continuously forward-planning the available capacity on our network with the aim of ensuring that subsea capacity, backhaul links and network equipment are all available where large volume demand is anticipated. In this case, everything lined up…”

“We mobilised our sparing capacity early during the Covid-19 crisis and this, together with our well-established supplier partnerships and committed field teams – who are going well beyond the normal call of duty – also help to ensure that we always deliver to the very best of our ability”, continued Rob.

It was a great job done during difficult times!

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