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WIOCC is a key partner in Equiano

Express route between Africa and Europe


The cable system consists of 12 fibre pairs (24 fibres) of 12Tbps each (144Tbps in total)


Equiano is the first subsea cable to incorporate optical switching at the fiber-pair level, rather than the traditional approach of wavelength-level switching


Equiano starts in Portugal in western Europe, running more than 12,000km along the West Coast of Africa and with initial landings in Lomé, Togo; Lagos, Nigeria; Swakopmund, Namibia; Rupert’s Bay, Saint Helena and Melkbosstrand, South Africa.

Total Terabits per Second
Total Length Kilometres

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wiocc network - equiano

Resilience and Diversity

Equiano is a newly constructed, open access subsea cable system serving Africa’’s western seaboard. Our investment in the cable system enables us to deliver flexible, scalable capacity and spectrum from 1Gbps to 1Tbps. Due to its design and routing, Equiano provides resilience and diversity to our other west coast subsea systems for South African and Nigerian markets.

WIOCC lands Google’s Equiano cable in Nigeria

Open Access Data Centres

Lagos Landing Station

Open Access Data Centres (OADC) Lagos, A WIOCC Group Company, is the landing station for the Equiano subsea cable system in Nigeria. With a design capacity roughly 20 times larger than any other cable currently serving the region, the Equiano subsea internet cable is having a direct impact on connectivity in Nigeria.

  • Faster Internet Speeds
  • Reduced Internet Prices
  • Improved User Experience
Max Site Load
Technical Space
Uptime Availability

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